Garden Design & Landscape Services

In 2004 I started Full Circle Landscaping after 20 years of co-owning another landscaping company in southern Maine where I honed my skills and determined just what it is that I like to do best. As of January 2022 Full Circle will be a Landscape Design and Consultation service only.

Degrees in Interior design (traffic patterns, color, texture), Veterinary Science (How will the domestic and wild animals benefit from the changes we might make to your property?), Plant and Soil, Pruning, and an Advanced Certificate in Permaculture, all contribute to my approach to your specific needs.

Trees, shrubs, fruit trees, stone walls, raised beds for food, walkways/paths, stone walls, all creatively managed throughout Full Circle’s process of design.

My 38+ years of experience are beneficial as we consider traffic patterns, snow removal and storage, walkway and patios as well as possible placement of fire pits, outdoor furniture and sculpture.

Personal and custom work is my specialty.

I look forward to working with you.
Jennifer Cummings